System Type:
Epithermal, quartz-calcite veining, hydrothermal breccias, and stockwork zones.
The Snow target has a 3-km strike-length potential.
None at this time

The Snow target is located on the Utah side of the nearly 8000 ha Gold Springs project and is controlled by a 3 km long parallel structural zone 900 meters west of the 5km long Jumbo Trend.
Highlights include:
- 1.98 g/t gold equivalent over 3.0 meters and
- 0.70 g/t gold equivalent over 27.4 meters in hole SN-22-002
Gold equivalent based on US$1,800/oz gold, US$25/oz silver and 50% for silver recovery.
This new 2022 discovery at Snow was primarily defined by a large CSAMT geophysical anomaly that extends north-south for 3 km and parallels the 5 km long Jumbo Trend located 900 meters to the west. This target is mostly covered by post-mineral material, with the exception of the very southern portion where historical workings have produced surface samples up to 3.7 g/t gold. Hole SN-22-001 deviated during downhole drilling and did not intersect the primary CSAMT target. The following hole SN-22-002 intersected the geophysical anomaly and once again validates the GRC working models for identifying gold mineralization.
Summary of drill intercepts:
Hole Number |
From meters |
To meters |
Thickness meters |
Gold g/t |
Silver g/t |
AuEq g/t |
SN-22-002 |
Snow |
143.3 |
146.3 |
3.0 |
1.93 |
7.1 |
1.98 |
and |
176.8 |
204.2 |
27.4 |
0.62 |
12.44 |
0.70 |
True thickness is estimated to be 60-100% of reported length. Grams per tonne of gold and silver abbreviated as “Au g/t” and “Ag g/t” respectively.
Drill Hole Table:
Hole ID |
Easting | UTM NAD 27
Elevation Meters |
TD (m) |
SN-22-001 | Snow | 760393 | 4197860 | 2088 | 270 | -45 | 335 |
SN-22-002 | Snow | 760224 | 4197793 | 2107 | 0 | -90 | 335 |
The Snow target is associated with a strong CSAMT (ground-based geophysics) high-resistivity anomaly that extends north-south for 3 km and parallels the 5 km long Jumbo Trend located 900 meters to the west. The resistivity survey indicates that the target becomes shallower in the northern portion of this 3 km anomaly.
The CSAMT survey greatly expanded the Snow target extending it over a 3 km strike-length following a major structural corridor similar to that seen at the North and South Jumbo resource areas. Historic workings focused on the east side of the throughgoing north-south Snow Fault defined by a deep valley and exposed in the old workings. Historic workings expose intensely clay-altered andesite host-rock with stockwork quartz veining within fault and fracture zones. Samples from the Snow Fault exposed in the old workings assayed as high as 6.96 g/t gold. Vein and breccia material is also found in dump piles around historic mine sites. Vein zones exposed at surface are found west of the historic workings and are haloed by strong clay alterations. Upslope of the vein exposures, much of the area is covered with colluvium and weakly-altered andesite float. However, mineralized float in the form of banded and bladed calcite-quartz veins, hydrothermal breccias and stockwork veining is found mixed in with the colluvium cover. This suggests that the epithermal gold system continues under this thin layer of colluvium cover.
Structural Geology:
The Snow target is very similar to the Jumbo Trend in that two parallel structures, the Snow to the east and the Fitch to the west, create the structural preparation needed to develop areas of gold mineralization. along the northern terminus of the structure, it intersects the major Gold Springs fault.
Historical Mining:
Historical workings are located on the southern end of the 3 km long north-south Snow fault. They consist of one mine shaft and several slot cuts that focused on the structural zone, quartz-calcite veins, breccias and stockwork veining and have produced sample results from vein exposures as high as 3.7 g/t gold.
Selected rock surface samples taken by the Company in 2015 included assays of up to 3.7 g/t gold and 12 g/t silver over 4.6 meters.
Table: 2015 Rock chip sampling results from Snow:
Sample* |
Description |
Gold (g/t) |
Silver (g/t) |
102789 |
2×3 m Panel of Altered Wall Rock |
0.38 |
3.5 |
102790 |
4.6 m Across Altered Wall Rock |
3.72 |
12.0 |
102791 |
Vein from Lower Dump |
3.32 |
40.9 |
26448 |
Vein from Lower Dump |
2.21 |
18.5 |
26449 |
Altered Wall Rock from Lower Dump |
2.50 |
13.2 |
*Per Table 7-4 in Updated Preliminary Economic Assessment NI 43-101 Technical Report filed on Sedar on June 22, 2020
The Rock surface sampling conducted by the Company in 2020 resulted in some significant sample results of up to 8.98 g/t Gold and 66.9 g/t Ag as seen below:
Table: 2020 Rock chip sampling results from Snow
Sample* |
Sample Type |
Mineralization type |
Au (g/t) |
Ag (g/t) |
225417 |
Dump |
Silicified breccia with crystalline quartz cement |
1.06 |
5.4 |
225418 |
Grab, 10 cm |
Strongly clay altered fault zone |
6.96 |
6.6 |
225420 |
Continuous, 2m |
Argillic altered fault zone 7-8 m wide |
0.33 |
13.5 |
225421 |
Select |
Banded and bladed white to grey quartz vein |
1.03 |
17.2 |
225422 |
Dump |
Banded and bladed white chalcedony and crystalline quartz vein |
1.47 |
11.4 |
225423 |
Dump |
Banded and bladed white quartz vein |
0.99 |
66.9 |
225424 |
Dump |
Clay altered andesite host rock |
0.41 |
4.9 |
225426 |
Dump |
Sericite and clay altered andesite with stockwork quartz veins |
2.14 |
16.7 |
225429 |
Grab, 10cm |
Sericite altered andesite with stockwork quartz veining |
0.29 |
1.9 |
225430 |
Continuous, 30cm |
Brecciated quartz vein |
0.42 |
0.8 |
225433 |
Continuous, 1m |
Sericite altered andesite with patchy silicification |
1.1 |
1.6 |
225435 |
Discontinuous, 3m |
Clay altered and weathered andesite with massive quartz vein |
8.98 |
12.2 |
225437 |
Select |
quartz vein |
4.28 |
19.4 |
225439 |
Float, 1x1m area |
Cobble sized float of banded and bladed quartz-calcite vein and hydrothermal breccia |
0.37 |
1.5 |
225440 |
Float, 1x1m area |
Silicified float chips of andesite containing stockwork veins |
1.47 |
3 |
225441 |
Float, 1x1m area |
Banded and bladed white quartz-calcite vein |
1.0 |
3.3 |
225442 |
Dump |
Banded and bladed white quartz vein. |
1.92 |
11.7 |
225444 |
Float, 1x1m area |
Fine-grained sugary white quartz vein |
0.41 |
3.8 |