System Type:
Low sulfidation epithermal gold system with quartz veining, breccia and confined alteration zones. This is thought to be a higher-level expression of an epithermal system similar to the North and South Jumbo resources.
The Central Jumbo target is a 1,000 x 500 meter target located between the North and South Jumbo resources.
None at this time.

The Central Jumbo target lies within the +6 km Jumbo Trend on the Utah side of the Gold Springs project project and is situated between the North and South Jumbo resources.
A total of 21 holes were completed in Central Jumbo (6 in 2021, 3 in 2016, 9 in 2017 and 3 in 2021). Significant drill results include drill hole SS-12-002 intercepting 6.1 meters at 2.2 g/t gold. This hole was drilled into an area of post-mineral cover to test a ZTEM anomaly. Holes SS-12-001 and SS-12-004 were drilled toward the east cutting across the Jumbo fault and intersecting low-grade gold mineralization east of the Jumbo fault under post mineral cover. Hole SS-12-001 contained 9.14 meters at 0.43 g/t Au and 1.19 g/t Ag, while hole SS-12-004 returned 16.76 meters at 0.35 g/t Au and 2.2 g/t Ag. These results are considered significant as they represent a target that is completely blind located on the eastern edge of a strong CSAMT and ZTEM anomaly similar to the North Jumbo resource. These drill holes were completed in 2016. Drill hole SS-16-001 was drilled under one of the outcropping vein systems and showed significant gold grades, with 12.2 meters averaging 1.53 g/t gold and 2.5 g/t silver. Offset holes failed to intersect this mineralized zone due to presumed east-west faulting. Prior to follow-up drilling a detained structural interpretation will be completed.
In 2021, the company drilled 3 new holes at Central Jumbo with the following location:
Central Jumbo is situated along a strong ZTEM (airborne survey) and CSAMT (ground-based survey) resistivity high (see maps below). The North Jumbo resource is situated along these same resistivity high features. Looking at the CSAMT cross sections the holes that encountered gold mineralization were all associated with resistivity highs. Future drilling will focus on these features with the hope of demonstrating continuity to the mineralization.
Central Jumbo is geologically characterized by a set of discontinuous quartz veins hosted within strongly clay altered and oxidized volcanic flows. The area is bounded by two north-south trending fault zones: the Etna fault to the west and the Jumbo fault to the east. Structural interpretations are complicated within the Central Jumbo target area which is thought to be a down-dropped block within the Jumbo trend. The system is further offset along numerous east-west sets, and volcanic plugs truncate and displace mineralization.
Structural Geology:
The Central Jumbo is part of the Jumbo trend, located between the Etna (west) and Jumbo (east) strike-slip faults. The three prominent quartz veins ranging from 1 to 4 metres in width which are observed in the field are clearly visible on LIDAR maps and all have returned + 1 g/t gold values. Many small quartz veins have a general north-south trend and the biggest quartz vein is in the vicinity of, and parallel to, the Jumbo fault to which it is thought to be related. The Central Jumbo target has a lower elevation than the Jumbo resource area, which could indicate the potential mineralization is located deeper within a down-dropped block. A normal oblique fault appears to cut the Etna and Jumbo faults on the north end of the Central Jumbo target supporting the idea of this being a down-dropped portion of the Jumbo Trend which could preserve the system at depth (See Map below)
Historical Mining:
There are numerous shallow shafts, trenches, and pits which exploited the veins within the Central Jumbo target.
Mapping and sampling were completed on this target in 2012 and 2016. The results of this work outlined several drill targets based on strong surface gold values, structural intersections and ZTEM (airborne geophysics) resistivity anomalies. The recently completed CSAMT ground-based geophysical survey further refines these targets providing guidance for future programs. Sampling of the vein systems has produced values in rock chip samples of up to 6.7 g/t gold over two metres from one prominent vein exposure. Surface exposures of veins scattered across this target area are generally lenticular and oriented North-South. These have been sampled from outcrops that carry values in the 1.0-3.0 g/t gold range.