System Type:
Epithermal, quartz veining, hydrothermal breccias and stockwork zones.
The Gem target has 800 meters of strike-length potential and appears to merge with the Snow target on the north end.
None at this time.
The Gem target lies on the Utah side of the Gold Springs project and is located immediately adjacent to the northern extension of the Snow target along the Gold Springs Wash.
None to date.
The Gem target is associated with a shallow CSAMT (ground-based geophysics) resistivity-high anomaly which trends north-south and has similar characteristics as the South Jumbo resource.
The Gem target consists of a 3 to 4.8-meter-thick, moderately silicified 350°, 80° east dipping shear-zone near the Gold Springs town-site which carries anomalous gold-silver mineralization. The mineralization trends to the south, where it is largely covered by grey, weakly altered platy latite. Two samples collected in the zone show low level (93 to 113 g/t gold) gold mineralization, however, the platy may form a cap to mineralization, as is observed in the Jumbo area.
Historic workings at the Gem target expose heavily altered andesite with stockwork quartz veining and gold values up to 5.92 g/t.
Structural Geology:
The Gem target is located near the northern extension of the Snow target along the Gold Springs Wash. The Gold Springs Wash is a major structural corridor that trends to the northeast and is a significant controller of mineralization found at the Juniper target (press release April 15, 2020). The Gem target is located at the confluence of the Snow Fault with the Gold Springs Wash Fault. At this intersection, a shallow geophysical anomaly occurs in the CSAMT survey and represents a highly prospective target as both structures are known to host mineralization (press release September 2, 2020).
Historical Mining:
Numerous historic workings are located on both the north and south sides of the Gold Springs Wash.
The rock surface sampling conducted by the Company produced the following significant results from the limited exposures within this target area.
Table: Rock chip sampling results from Gem:
Sample* |
Sample Type |
Mineralization type |
Au (g/t) |
Ag (g/t) |
225337 |
Dump grab |
Quarts sericite altered andesite |
5.92 |
4.8 |
225339 |
1m chip |
Breccia and stockwork quartz sericite altered andesite |
0.33 |
7.4 |
225340 |
Float grab |
Sugary quartz vein |
0.46 |
19.4 |
225341 |
Float grab |
Quartz vein |
0.26 |
2.7 |
225343 |
Float 1m by 1m area |
Silicified andesite and vein material |
1.54 |
11.4 |
*A cutoff grade of 0.25 g/t Au was used, which is the cutoff grade of the nearby North and South Jumbo resources.