
System Type:

Low sulphidation, epithermal, quartz vein system.


Unknown as the surrounding area is covered by post-mineral colluvium (gravels).


None at this time


The Miracle target is located on the Nevada side of the Gold Springs project, 300 meters west of the Horseshoe Extension target.




The Miracle target is associated with a CSAMT resistivity high running parallel and just west of the Horseshoe-Homestake structural corridor.


The Miracle target consists of north-south striking quartz veining surrounded by quartz-sericite altered andesite host rock exposed in a series of small historical workings. The workings extend over an area of approximately 40x50 meters in a large area of post mineral cover.

Structural Geology:

The Miracle vein system is exposed at the edge of a northeast trending structural corridor which is a step-over fault between two parallel north-south major structures. This same geometry is seen at the North Jumbo resource where drilling has demonstrated significant gold mineralization.

Historical Mining:

Much of the area is covered by post-mineral gravels but in the uncovered area an adit and shaft exploited a 1-meter-wide light-green, banded quartz-calcite vein similar to those seen at the historic Horseshoe underground mine.


Very limited sampling has been conducted on the Miracle target. Sampling of the vein material produced values as high as 0.5 g/t gold with 2 g/t silver.

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